Attended an interview with Indegene who were hiring .NET SSEs for Deloitte (one of their clients). So, the questions asked during the interview were as follows:
1. What all types of authentication / authorization mechanisms are you aware of and have worked in your ASP.NET MVC projects. Explain about what all features of MVC you had used?
2. How do you perform Cookie Based Authentication and what other forms of Authentication or Authorization there are in general?
3. What are all the types of Tables that you would find in MS SQL Server?
4. How many types of Temp tables are there and what is the difference between them>
5. How many types of Keys are present in SQL Server and what is the difference between them?
6. How are Clustered and Non Clustered Indexes stored in SQL Server?
7. What do you mean by @BigCount and till what point would be be using the @Count variable?
8. What is the disadvantage of ADO.NET and how do we rectify if a SQL Query takes a very long amount of time to compute.
9. What do you mean by Table Valued Parameters and what is the difference TVP and TempTables?
10. What do you mean by CTE (Common Table Expressions)?
11. What do you mean by Dense Rank in SQL and give an example to get the nth highest number from a series of column values in SQL (Like 3rd highest salary from a set of 100 employees and their salaries)
12. Difference between var and let in javascript
13. How do we define the ajax syntax in javascript
14. $.each usage in jQuery
15. What do you mean by Cursor in SQL Server?
16. Given a hierarchy f Employee and Mnager defined as tables, provide a way in which we can define the hierarchy in another table with providing the grapth / hierarchy in some manner.
17. Define how to use Functions in SQL and use in what all manner can triggers be configured?
18. Given a big file consisting of a million records in table format (in HTML), what would be an efficient way to read that data in Javascript and send it across to the server for processing?
19. Syntax for AJAX wherein I would provide a reference for Success and Failure Callbacks.
20. What do you mean by @Identity and @ScopeIdentity and what is the difference between them?
21. How do you host in IIS and what all ways would you host in IIS. What all features in IIS have you made use of?
22. Why do we use Interfaces if abstract classes is more flexible in terms of having an option to define properties and also partially abstract out common code in the interfaces. What is the difference between them and when do we use each of them?
23. Use of IDisposable Interface and how do we ensure that we have an efficient and performant application?
24. ViewData, ViewBag and TempData usages ?
25. BundleConfig usage ?
26. What are all the types of attacks that are possible and how do we avert them? Like DDOS, Timing, SQL Injection, COR, XSS etc. (Just name ad define them)
27. What do you mean by Multi-Threading and how do you implement them in C# ? Cleared the first 2 rounds for now. Will keep you posted once I clear the last round slated on Monday which they said would deal with SQL Server and MongoDB. Happy learning :)