Branching strategy : Controlled Code release from Development to QA environment
The overview of this blog would revolve around covering the below ways of defining the control for enforcing ground rules to be setup...
Technology Upgradations
Give and Take associated to our breathing is a paradigm I construed given its striking similarities and its simplicity. Every breath in is akin to Taking and every breath out with Giving. Similar to how we live by breathing, we should also ensure that us giving would enable us to take more (and vice versa), and that setting balance and quality in the things which we give and take determine how we enable our collective lives – just like how breathing in and out qualitatively and with balance enables our individual living.
Only when we create an ecosystem wherein we reinforce others to take as much as they give (and vice versa) would we have an ecosystem which is more just than existing workplaces where we only encourage (or subtly cue) to give and never to take (or vice versa)
Technology Upgradations help with balancing the dynamics of Give and Take in its own sphere and I initiated this website with fulfilling that intent.
So, I believe this defines the crux of our happy living and cheers to you for reading this through ;)